What's New What's Updated For administrators
What's New What's Updated For administrators
What's New What's updated
What's new What's updated
Whats New Whats updated
Whats new Whats updated
What's New What's updated
What's new We are pleased to introduce the dashboard. The dashboard allows users to view upcoming actionable items in one place. This currently includes unread chat, expiring license and compliance. New widgets will be added in future releases. What's Updated Users can update their gender on their profile. To update:
Global What's new What's Updated
Global What’s new Added a checkbox to confirm no middle name when submitting a background screening The Info/hosts menu is now visible to the public without logging into the Learning Center What’s Updated The instructions for resetting a password have been improved For application-based courses, when a user is not eligible, there will be a […]
Disciplined, Suspended, or Ineligible Individuals The individuals below are subject to measures imposed by the U.S. Center for SafeSport (“The Center”) pursuant to its authority under the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and SafeSport Authorization Act of 2017. This list does not include the names of individuals suspended by FIFA, the United States Anti-Doping Agency or […]